Finally... You Can Identify & Heal Your Trauma of Traumas
and Realize Who You Truly Are:
A Divine Cosmic Uniquely Invaluable Heavenly Messenger
Now I will do my best to convey what’s in store if we work together,
whether you read my book, take my course, or sign up for mentoring.
But if we’re right you’ll know it by just checking me out,
reading between the lines and feeling by vibe if I am a "yes!" for you.
So, this will likely be for you if you've already "done the work,"
and know you're here to love, be loved,
lend an ear, shoulder, and hand and most of all your big heart
to impact world healing.
You've tried everything...
You’ve meditated for years, gone on all the retreats, explored the modalities,
gotten so much more conscious and aware…
Yet, you know there must be more.
Something is off: with the world still such a mess
we who are awakening
must still have some huge unfinished healing in ourselves, right?
You've finally found your place.
This is where we transform the transformed.
Here is where you find the answers to the questions you didn’t even know you had.
I'll show you EVERYTHING you need in order to have that deep, abiding sense
you are fulfilled before you even start
and open inner and outer sources for world healing.
This is what harmonizing does.
It's the key to inner peace, to welcome "what is" in a truly allowing way
and to bring complete coherence.
After healing with me and in unity with your innermost being, you'll:
- unravel long-tangled inner knots
- experience lasting peace of mind AND soul
- have access to higher knowing
- never feel alone
- activate NOW and HERE who you were before conception, and who you will be after death
But don't just take my word for it...
Here's how Harmonize All of You with All is already changing the lives of today's visionaries and thought leaders:
“Artie is one of my greatest mentors and friends. He carries codes that are absolutely critical for our next evolution and the rebirthing of humanity. Artie serves with unusual insight, depth, and care. His work is transformational. His life is a living example of love. Thank you for showing up and finding me."
New Paradigm Mother
Lawyer Business Priestess
"Artie is one of the most profound Healers, Guides, Teachers that I’ve been blessed to be served by. What strikes me most is his ability to accurately read what’s going on with me on all levels of Being. His depth of compassion comes with a fierce love that penetrates my layers of denial and brings me to Source. Whether you’re new on the path or a seasoned traveler, be ready to be humbled and uplifted to your truest nature and live in the heart of existence. Eternally grateful."
Founder Warrior Sage
Leadership Training
But I get it. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday...
9 years of heartbreak and tears post-Vietnam.
Diving into every practice I could find which promised some relief from my internal torment.
Breathwork. Bodywork. Meditation. Yoga. A Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.
Walking on coals. Chanting affirmations.
For 50 years.
I believed I had done it all.
I HAD my addictions under control, mostly — no more drinking and (almost) no binge eating.
I HAD my reactions in my marriage under control — blowups were now the exception, not the rule.
I HAD impressed my clients enough so that referrals kept coming.
And I WAS happy enough.
Yet...I STILL ran up against places where I was triggered almost daily.
There were glitches with others on social media. The mother of my children called me "polarizing."
A close friend called me "bullying". I looked down on others who I secretly judged as not having done the work I had done.
I was quick to find fault and slow to honor the labor pangs of others who struggled to grow.
I thought these run-ins were normal.
I knew I had superior communication skills. It was easy to expose why and how others were wrong.
I was doing my best to tolerate others.
After all, I was a "Harvard Man."
But one day, I realized I could take my inner temperature psychically...
Even though I believed I had "it all", I got curious enough to prove I was right.
I turned to my new energy-reading chops to check my core underlying traumatic energy,
and what I discovered was SHOCKING.
My insight took my breath away and brought me to my inner knees.
I had the most humbling revelation of my life.
My layers of underlying traumatic energy were still INTACT and UNCHANGED.
I was mortally ill and had been running a 101-degree fever... FOR DECADES.
When I finally got bold enough to check on colleagues, others of the most renowned experts in the world...
I discovered they had the same underlying core traumas, without being aware of it.
And this state was considered "normal."
The best I had ever done as a recognized pioneer in the field since the late 1970s — as the one who crafted
THE pathbreaking study for the US Congress that changed the VA system in ways that are still in place today
AND who wrote an award-winning book — was to "improve symptoms".
I had been deluding myself and now I knew
I needed to set things straight.
On the morning of my 67th birthday, everything changed.
All the decades of study and of practice suddenly, unexplainably came together in a flash of insight. Of KNOWING.
There was a practice no one had taught me, that no one knew.
Oh so gently, a seamless, slow-motion way of moving began to move me.
My body began to take over — to do what it innately knew to do —
to heed my innermost cries for freedom, healing, and HARMONY.
My mind was in shock. Almost without realizing I was doing so, I did a reading of my energetic aura.
Stunned, I discovered it was doubling in minutes and then doubling again —
a transformation unheard of in any yoga, meditation, or any energy work I know.
And it just kept expanding.
But what about that underlying, stuck-in-quicksand traumatic energy?
It was diminishing noticeably and dramatically after just a few minutes of engaging in this new revelation.
For the first time ever, it was shrinking, metabolizing, and dwindling.
I began to transform like never before...
from both the inside out and outside in.
Over the coming hours and days, spontaneous joy — whenever and for no reason — became my reality.
I felt deep, dark corners of my being swept clean.
For the first time ever, I looked in the mirror and saw my dream come true:
I saw a joyous elder looking back with a twinkle in his eye.
And that was just the beginning.
It's Taken Me an ENTIRE DECADE to
Decode, Unpack, and Distill the Path for Others
From the first moments, I realized I had been given a major revelation for the ultimate self-care of my fellow beings.
I considered this revelation as a sacred trust, a mission from the Divine that was not just for my own healing and transformation.
Rather, this gift was highly intentional and synchronous and it's no accident it came to me.
With a Ph.D. in Psychology and the years of experience gained by conceiving of and then designing the original congressional PTSD study,
I was acutely aware of the need to document and verify as much of this discovery as I could.
For 10 years, I have investigated, explored, and tested thousands of harmonizing self-experiments.
I gathered my observations and embarked on hundreds of individual trials with others, putting dozens of hypotheses to the test.
I haven’t gone a day in 10 years without harmonizing several times and observing the results.
As a scientist, I've worked to objectively validate or disconfirm each approach and experience.
I've meticulously sifted through the variations of the Harmonizing Practice to determine which ones are most effective
in balancing cleansing and dramatically expanding energy, as well as healing original trauma.
I responded by checking and double-checking and triple-checking energetically to make sure I was getting the signal straight.
For me, this practice has been one of listening to and dialoguing with God.
And for Sure You too Are Designed to
Embody, Experience, and Exude...
...the highest heavenly virtues in your fullest life and on earth.
And you know this truth. There IS more for you.
This further transformation is possible.
Previously unresolved blocks and underlying trauma can be healed and transmuted and transformed.
This is the true freedom every soul longs for —
and now you can experience it too.
You Are Meant to Fulfill 6 Promises of Realized Being
These six promises were established over six months with a group of 12 advanced coaches.
They are the verified experiences and results that grow from the heart and soul of harmonizing:
1. Optimize Health.
Have your eating and self-care align naturally with your unique physical body — without any force or struggle to comply.
Consider wise advice without needing to follow the "proven plans" of gurus, experts, and authorities.
2. Heal Your Trauma of Traumas.
Since birth and through no fault of your own, you've gone along with everyone else in denying who you truly are:
Divine cosmic uniquely invaluable Heavenly messenger
Now you can emerge into the triggerless being you are.
There's no more need to fix your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
All that effort never ultimately works anyway.
3. Relate from Being Already Fulfilled.
When you come from already being fulfilled, you no longer need to change others in order to be comfortable or to feel safe.
Nor is there any lingering judgment or meaning around where another soul is on their journey.
You develop deeper-than-you-imagined-possible relationships with a few and shift into boundless affection for all.
4. Engage Joyously in Whatever, Whenever.
Feel fulfilled and complete before you start. Be free of any sense of being behind, missing out, or needing to catch up.
Work in increasingly easy, flowing, graceful, and pleasurable ways.
Fulfillment at every stage of a project — or the space in between — is the new norm.
5. Live as the Uniquely Invaluable Heavenly Messenger You Are.
Live each day uninhibited as who you truly are. Morph how you think, feel, act, and desire at will and in an instant into wise, loving, potent, joy.
Experience the activation and ongoing expression of the divine cosmic uniquely invaluable heavenly messenger you are.
It's all so natural!
6. Beam Boundless Blessings as Enhanced Energetic-Spiritual Activism.
Alchemize your own and others’ personal pain and WORLD pain — free of the ego's defense mechanisms.
Transmute suffering within your community by beaming boundless blessings.
Be the world-healing change you dream of for the world
which is possible as your uniquely blessed self, humbly uplifted by truth.
Harmonizing all of you integrates with and enhances EVERY self-development practice.
As you welcome these new practices into your current ones — with a single set of seamless body, soul, and spirit gestures — within minutes your system:
As you respond to the full range of familiar calls to enter into coherent, resonant, presencing, you grow your energetic stature "out of this world," first to galactic, and then to cosmic proportions.
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